(Electronic filing system for CD-Fit images)

Typically, a police force will have hundreds of CD-Fit images in its files. While this is a vital resource, its full potential can only be realized when personnel can gain quick and easy access to the CD-Fit images.

Not only does FIT-Manager achieve this without fuss, it can also be used to annotate other important information to the CD-Fit, such as build, height, clothing details or M.O., eliminating the need for cross-referencing against paper files stored elsewhere.

Ideally, Fit-Manager will be located in a central part of the force's computer network, ensuing that everybody can gain access to its potential.  Once entered, data for each CD-Fit is retrievable in many different ways. Side-by-side, each image can be compared by way of date, crime type, suspect build, facial features, anything in fact that you feel will help track down the person or group of people you need to identify.

In addition, actual photographs of the person you are searching for can be input directly into FIT-Manager, which will then select those CD-Fits that most closely resemble the face in your picture. This way you may be able to determine if the suspect is responsible for other recorded crimes. As with CD-Fit, FIT-Manager allows the output of images to a variety of media.

The real value of FIT-Manager is its ability to fulfill tasks according to the line of inquiries you are taking, so that quickly you can analyze any crime pattern, matching it to information that you already have stored away.

A sample screen from FIT-Manager

FIT-Manager Sample Screen


Created 01/99